Hello, my name is Margit Kars and I work as a masseuse for Koan Float. Massage is more to me than simply a profession; it’s a choice I very consciously made. After working in the business world for many years, combined with my travels, I knew for sure that I wanted to pass on something, something beneficial. A direct way of passing on is, in my case, through massage.
I took a course in ‘Classical Massage’ at ‘Leffelaar’ in Amsterdam, where I was able to develop my fascination for the human body in depth. Anatomy, physiology; it’s fantastic to learn how the body works and moves. Because I’ve built up years of experience in giving massages, I can feel precisely where a person is blocked or where the source of pain is. The balance between working effectively and being able to relax at the same time is a challenge I face every time I give a massage.
If you ask me which type of massage I prefer the most, I can answer straight away; each type of massage has its own benefits, whether it is Pregnancy Massage or Deep Tissue Massage. There is a reason why you end up lying on the table. Sometimes you need total relaxation and to feel your entire body again, at other times you need to get rid of the knots in all your muscles and tendons. Sometimes you need to receive energy so you can re-charge your batteries. To enable people to do that and, by doing so, to gain the trust of another is special to me. I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to belong to the Koan Float team.